Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

Well, summer break is nearly more late nights & our early mornings begin. We have completed all of our normal "back to school" rituals -- new clothes, new backpacks, bus route review, orientations, etc...

The boys are excited; they always look forward to seeing their friends. But, I have to say, I'm not quite so excited. Okay, I know, some may think "are you crazy?" -- I have heard mom's talk about actually camping out at the bus stop so their children wouldn't miss it the first day of school -- I've never seen them do it...

I like having the boys home; despite those "I wanna pull my hair out" moments, or constantly asking them to pick up their things, or NEVER feeling as if the house is clean -- having them home is something I value much much more. But tomorrow morning when the bus pulls off my house will feel particularly empty & I will be reminded that we are one year closer to them choosing to not kiss me good bye -- instead they will hug me (maybe), tell me they love me & off they go. I'm not looking forward to Riley graduating -- it will break my heart to know that the chapter of sending them off is over.

Okay, that's enough -- I gotta bake some cookies & then beat them off from eating all of them before tomorrow morning! Being a mom is the BEST & I'm glad that God chose me to the mother to Chris, Paul & Riley --

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