Monday, August 31, 2009

Wondering if I really AM a blogger type of gal???

Yes, I am wondering about this -- what holds me back?

  • Writing the perfect blog?
  • The time it takes to blog?
  • Or, not having anything to really blog (or talk about)?
The answer to these questions would be...yes and no!

What does one do to be a faithful blogger (because I so want to be one!) Can you make a New Year's resolution in August? How about a fiscal new year...that works for me!

So today, Augusts 31st, I am making a commitment to blog more (which would be quite simple to accomplish) along with sharing these blogs with those I love & care about.


Andrea said...

Yea Dinah! I know you can do it and I will read it! You're such a great lady.

Holly said...

Dinah! You'll be an excellent blogger. I'm so excited to read about your adventures with all your boys.

Liz Henderson (Hendel D'bu) said...

You may know that I am an avid blogger - I love to write and have so much to say! lol! What a combo...

I'll be reading, but somehow your blog crashes my computer and I have to use IE instead of Flock to view it. :-/ No worries - I'll still read.

Write on, my friend!

~Liz :-)